Welcome to our Blog

In March of 2011 my wife and I quit or jobs, cashed in our chips and left the big city behind to move to our farm hidden away in northeast Georgia. These are our observations on the news of the day and our adventures in homesteading, becoming self reliant, prepping and living a simpler, more fulfilling life.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Messages From the Past

Ronald Reagan on Limited Government

How many Modern Presidents have you known that would say this?

Reagan vetoed 78 Congressional Bills, of which 9 were overridden by a rabidly spending Congress. How many Bills has Obama Vetoed?

Ronald Reagan on Socialism

In 1961 Ronald Reagan warned the public of socialism and how it can creep in slowly. His words ring eerily true today.

"A Time for Choosing"

Without a doubt Ronald Reagan was one of the most prolific spokesmen for conservatism in our lifetime and perhaps well beyond. His words and actions helped define and re-energize a movement, a grassroots coalition stretching from one end of the nation to the other and  helped define what it meant to be a conservative. His words (even today) speak well of the issues that our nation now struggle with. It is truly time for all men and women of good conscience to stand and be counted and once more reclaim our strong conservative heritage and save the last... best hope for mankind.

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